How to Beat Winter Dry Skin

How To Beat Winter Dry Skin


This winter has been so dry and cold. I’m here to share some tips, based on personal experience, on How to Beat Winter Dry Skin. The weather hasn’t been very friendly to my skin and I’m sure most of you can relate. Living in Canada, we get to experience all 4 seasons. But in Vancouver, the weather is usually milder than in most of our neighboring provinces. It just rains a lot. In the past few months, we’ve had so much snow, more than we’ve ever had in recent past years. I don’t think I’ve seen so much snowfall here since I was like 9 years old. I’m over it! I miss the sun and its warmth so much.


What I’ve noticed is my skin has become really dry and sallow. As a person who bathes in creams in lotions, I was surprised to see a rash on my neck. I thought I was bitten by something while I was sleeping, coz one day I woke up and my skin was dry, red, and very itchy. I was thinking I’ll let it go for a few days and hope it goes away. Well, 2 weeks later it’s still there. After self-diagnosing, I realized it was eczema. I’ve seen it before on my nephew and his reactions to it were similar to what I was experiencing. The area was so itchy, I couldn’t control my nails from digging into it. It got so bad that it looked like I had a bruise on my neck. At that time I didn’t care, all I wanted to do was scratch. Bad, bad, bad. So, I went through my skincare inventory and looked for products that were gonna help with this insanity. I needed to figure out how I can fix this so that I don’t scratch my skin off. It sounds gross I know, but honestly, I couldn’t help it.

First Tip

Drink plenty of water! Keep yourself hydrated, not only will it help your skin, but it will keep your throat from getting too dry so you can avoid getting sick. Did you know, that your skin is the last organ to receive nutrients, including water? When you eat and drink badly, it shows. How much water are you supposed to drink? Well, take your weight in lbs. then divide it by 2. That is how many ounces of water you need to drink every day.


Second Tip

Take supplements that will help your skin achieve a healthy glow. I’ve recently just started getting back into the routine of taking all my vitamins daily. You can get a lot of nutrients from food, but some of us don’t always eat a healthy, balanced meal as much as we should. Yes guilty! What’s in my pillbox? I’ve got a Multi-Vitamin for Women, Biotin, Probiotics, and Wild Salmon Fish Oils. A couple of months ago, I made an appointment with an acupuncturist. They had actually checked out my vitals and had me hold on to an electrode that sends a signal throughout my body to check for deficiencies. It was really interesting going through the report and they had given me recommendations on supplements to take for areas of the body that needed special attention. I highly recommend getting one of these reports done. Most naturopathic clinics carry these and you can probably check with other holistic offices as well.

Third Tip

Get plenty of sleep. I don’t know about you, but for me, the minimum amount of sleep my body needs to function properly is 7 hours. Anything less than that, I’d be a walking zombie. Seriously, I get clumsy, forget things, and my whole day is a write-off. It’s almost like I’m coming down from a hangover and feeling ill. No good! But you know what, it’s not just the amount of hours you sleep. It’s the TIME you actually fall asleep. Apparently, it’s just as, if not even, more important than the amount of sleep you have. The ideal time for sleeping is anytime between 8 pm to 11 pm, and not later than. It has to do with getting the optimal amount of non-REM and REM shuteye opportunity for your body so it can function well. REM is abbreviated for Rapid Eye Movement.


Fourth Tip

Last, but definitely not least, skincare products. If the above tips are hard to keep up with, this is something that you need to start making a daily habit. Investing in yourself and taking care of your skin right now will really help you in the future, so you won’t have to spend thousands trying to reverse the damage later. Because the weather is cold and dry, I’ve found oil cleansers are the best ones to use. They bring back the oil and moisture that’s been stripped from your skin. Afterward, apply a heavy cream that is ‘rich’ in consistency and will stay on your skin longer than lotions. *If you have acne, oil cleansers can also be good for you, but stick with non-oily moisturizers instead.  Make sure to use an exfoliator at least once or twice a week, depending on how dry your skin is. This will help slough off dead skin cells, allowing for healthier and fresh skin cells to surface. There are different ways you can exfoliate your skin, either chemical or mechanical. You can get a chemical peel, fruit peel, microdermabrasion, or laser peels.


Oil Cleansers



These are just some tricks I’ve been using to keep my skin healthy and hydrated during this winter season. Everyone’s skin reacts differently when it comes to products so make sure you do a patch test if you have sensitivities to certain ingredients. Also, before taking any supplements, make sure you check with your doctor first. I’m also happy to report, that my eczema is gone. YAY!! Scratch-free 🙂 Hope these tips will help some of you out. Stick to a regular regime and you’ll eventually notice a difference.


“Patience and consistency will always give you better results than doing nothing.”


How are you coping with this weather? Got any tips you’d like to share? Feel free to comment down below, I love getting tips from other people.



*This is post may contain affiliate links. **Stock Images courtesy of GoDaddy**


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  1. February 23, 2017 / 3:18 pm

    Thanks for the tips! I just moved from Michigan to Florida so my skin went from dry to oily! But when in Michigan, I choose to moisturize with coconut oil. It really helps 🙂

    • missmerryl
      February 23, 2017 / 3:29 pm

      Hi Danielle! The environment really plays a big part. I know I have the same issue when I travel. I do love coconut oil too, i have lots in stock and sometimes use it instead of lotions. Also good for ‘teeth/oil pulling’.

  2. February 23, 2017 / 3:20 pm

    I just becamr a wellness advocate for doTERRA and I take the essential oils and mix a drop or two with coconut oil or castor oil and slather all over myself. It really helps with nmy desert dry legs!

    • missmerryl
      February 23, 2017 / 3:31 pm

      Thanks for sharing. I use coconut oil for everything too and have soo many essential oils from Saje Wellness here in Canada. One thing I havent tried yet is castor oil. Ill definitely need to grab one soon